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Kingdom of Orbaal

The Kingdom of Orbaal includes eleven castles, 28 keeps, and two deserted outposts.

Castles: Arathel, Geldeheim, Keiren, Leriel, Lorkin, Marby, Pled, Sherwyn, Tandir, Vaagel, Zuden

Keeps: Aaldem, Antir, Arone, Asax, Daasen, Ebein, Fjaga, Gwaeryn, Gyfyn, Hjael, Kjen, Mul, Pethwys, Pjagel, Pyberg, Quiam, Quimen, Shese, Shien, Tawheim, Teryff, Thoen, Thrand, Thursa, Utera, Vold, Wethom, Zynholm

Abandoned outposts: Keron Island and Movel Gamle Hem

The peoples of Orbaal include invaders from Ivinia ruling native Jarin.

Wilderness sites: Alfarezir Islands, Anoth Delta, Gedan, and possibly Lahr-Darin.

Other sources of information about Orbaal include IviniaThran, The Seawolf, and (via Ivinia) Ygesdram.

Ideas for adventures include Bognor's Folly.

Orbaal connects to Kaldor via the Fur Road and, through Noron's Keep, via Noron's Way. Pilgrims also travel to Araka-Kalai via Ilvir's Trail.

  • orbaal.1581762799.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/02/15 02:33
  • by suedunham