
House of Bael

MERCANTYLER (Berlan of Bael)
Sign: A nivik, fleece and firkin
Size: 15 (+/-) Quality: ★★★★ Prices: High


Details of the house and business of Master Berlan of Bael, mercantyler of Tashal. This page contains two downloads: a .zip file featuring plans of the mercantyler's four-storey house and warehouse, and a draft fanon article describing the buildings, business and people of the household.

A Mercantyler's House. JPG house plan and CC2 file 1.4 MB zip

Description of a Mercantyler's Household (DRAFT). PDF file 3.2MB PDF

  • tashal/bael.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/05/30 20:39
  • by