This is an old revision of the document!
Db#1) | Street | Use | Notes |
Ga1 | Alley | Residence | |
Ga2 | Alley | Residence | |
Ga3 | Torastra | Residence | |
Ga4 | Torastra | Woodcrafter | Size 1. |
Ga5 | Medrik | Weaponcrafter | Size 2. |
Ga6 | Medrik | Locksmith | Size 3. |
Ga7 | Kald | Residence | |
Ga8 | Kald | Residence | |
Ga9 | Kald | Peoni Chapel | Size 1. |
Ga10 | Kald | Harbormaster | Described in Tashal G5. |
Ga11 | Alley | Residence | |
Ga12 | Alley | Residence | |
Ga13 | Alley | Residence | |
Ga14 | Alley | Residence | |
Ga15 | Alley | Residence | |
Ga16 | Alley | Residence | |
Gb1 | Kald | Gate | Described in Tashal G1. |
Gb2 | Kald | Shipwright | Described in Tashal G3. |
Gb3 | Kald | Residence | |
Gb4 | Kald | Harper | Size 7. |
Gb5 | Kald | Residence | |
Gb6 | Kald | Physician | Described in Tashal G4. |
Gc1 | Kald | Residence | |
Gc2 | Kald | Tavern | Described in Tashal G6. |
Gc3 | Medrik | Chandler | Size 10. |
Gc4 | Kald | Bonding House | Described in Tashal G2. |
Gc5 | Kald | Granaries | Described in Tashal G2. |
Gc6 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gc7 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gc8 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gc9 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gc10 | Medrik | Metalsmith | Size 3. |
Gc11 | Medrik | Peoni Chapel | Size 4. |
Gc12 | Medrik | Mercantyler | Barthon of Pribess, Size 7. |
Gc13 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gc14 | Medrik | Jeweler | Size 2. |
Gd1 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gd2 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gd3 | Medrik | Chandler | Size 7. |
Gd4 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gd5 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gd6 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gd7 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gd8 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gd9 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gd10 | Aidrik | Peoni Chapel | Size 2. |
Gd11 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gd12 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gd13 | Chelebin | Lexigrapher | Size 5. |
Gd14 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd15 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd16 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd17 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd18 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd19 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd20 | None | Residence | |
Gd21 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd22 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd23 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd24 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd25 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd26 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd27 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd28 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd29 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd30 | Alley | Lexigrapher | Size 2. |
Gd31 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd32 | Alley | Halea Chapel | Size 1. |
Gd33 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd34 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd35 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd36 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gd37 | Chelebin | Perfumer | Size 4. |
Gd38 | Chelebin | Kennel | Animal Trainer Size 5. |
Gd39 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd40 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd41 | Alley | Residence | Detailed in Tashal G13. |
Gd42 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd43 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd44 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd45 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gd46 | Chelebin | Ilvir Chapel | Size 2. |
Gd47 | Chelebin | Metalsmith | Size 1. |
Gd48 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd49 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd50 | Alley | Salter | Size 11. |
Gd51 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd52 | Alley | Residence | |
Gd53 | Alley | Mercenary | Described in Tashal G12. |
Gd54 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gd55 | Medrik | Residence | |
Ge1 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Ge2 | Medrik | Crypt | Described in Tashal G10a. |
Ge3 | Medrik | Halea Temple | Detailed in Tashal G10. |
Ge4 | Medrik | Lexigrapher | Size 4. |
Ge5 | Torastra | Residence | |
Ge6 | Torastra | Potter | Size 5. |
Ge7 | Torastra | Residence | |
Ge8 | Torastra | Hideworker | Size 7. |
Ge9 | Torastra | Lexigrapher | Size 1. |
Ge10 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Ge11 | Chelebin | Residence | Odivshe Shek-Pvar (Garth of Kerrina, Shenava, former employer of Rathbar of Marby G12). |
Ge12 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Ge13 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Ge14 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Ge15 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge16 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge17 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge18 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge19 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge20 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge21 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge22 | Alley | Residence | |
Ge23 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Ge24 | Aidrik | Kennel | Animal Trainer Size 8. |
Ge25 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Ge26 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Ge27 | Aidrik | Salter | Size 3. |
Ge28 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gf1 | Medrik | Jeweler | Described in Tashal G7. |
Gf2 | Torastra | Residence | |
Gf3 | Alley | Residence | |
Gf4 | Alley | Residence | |
Gf5 | Ternua | Chandler | Described in Tashal G8. |
Gf6 | Ternua | Embalmer | Described in Tashal G9. |
Gf7 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gf8 | Chelebin | Woodcrafter | Size 8. |
Gf9 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gf10 | Torastra | Clothier | Size 3. |
Gf11 | Torastra | Residence | |
Gf12 | Torastra | Potter | Size 3. |
Gg1 | Medrik | Weaponcrafter | Size 1. |
Gg2 | Alley | Salter | Size 2. |
Gg3 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gg4 | Alley | Residence | |
Gg5 | Alley | Residence | |
Gg6 | Alley | Residence | |
Gg7 | Alley | Residence | |
Gg8 | Alley | Residence | |
Gg9 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gg10 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gg11 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gg12 | Medrik | Apothecary | Size 3. |
Gg13 | Medrik | Tentmaker | Size 4. |
Gg14 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gg15 | Medrik | Chapel of Halea | Size 3. |
Gg16 | Medrik | Perfumer | Size 4. |
Gg17 | Medrik | Residence | |
Gh1 | Torastra | Residence | Detailed in Medrik District Townhouse. |
Gh2 | Torastra | Residence | |
Gh3 | Torastra | Chapel of Halea | Size 10. |
Gh4 | Haldan | Warehouse | Under development by Rualin. the House of Bael Alternate Plans |
Gh5 | Haldan | Mercantyler | Under development by Rualin. the House of Bael Alternate Plans |
Gh6 | Alley | Residence | Under development by Rualin. |
Gh7 | Alley | Herald | Size 10. |
Gh8 | Alley | Residence | |
Gh9 | Alley | Woodcrafter | Size 1. |
Gh10 | Alley | Residence | |
Gh11 | Alley | Residence | |
Gh12 | Roloth | Woodcrafter | Size 5. |
Gh13 | Roloth | Jeweler | Size 5. |
Gh14 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gh15 | Aidrik | Woodcrafter | Size 5. |
Gh16 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gh17 | Aidrik | Glassworker | Size 3. |
Gh18 | Chelebin | Herald | Size 11. |
Gh19 | Chelebin | Potter | Size 1. |
Gh20 | Chelebin | Residence | |
Gi1 | Chelebin | Physician | Size 2. Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi2 | Ternua | Residence | Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi3 | Ternua | Herald | Size 3. Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi4 | Ternua | Residence | Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi5 | Haldan | Residence | Hirnen House. Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi6 | Torastra | Residence | Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi7 | Torastra | Alchemist | Size 2. Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi8 | Torastra | Miller/Baker | Size 2. Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi9 | Chelebin | Hideworker | Size 1. Under development by Rothesay. |
Gi10 | Chelebin | Salter | Size 1. Under development by Rothesay. |
Gj1 | Chelebin | Weaponcrafter | Size 3. |
Gj2 | Aidrik | Residence | |
Gj3 | Alley | Residence | |
Gj4 | Alley | Crypt | Described in Tashal G9a. Detailed in Peonian Crypt. |
Gj5 | Aidrik | Chapel of Peoni | Size 1. |
Gj6 | Aidrik | Weaponcrafter | Size 1. |
Gj7 | Aidrik | Inn | Described in Tashal G11. |
Gj8 | Maranos | Residence | |
Gj9 | Maranos | Residence | |
Gj10 | Chelebin | Residence | Jopler townhouse (Lord of Cantwee) |
Gj11 | Chelebin | Residence | Ubael townhouse. Detailed in Ubael House. |