
Grimuld Hundred

Settlement Domain Leige Seat Holder Type Published?
Accomon Barony of Nenda Elesere Reeve Thorp
Ameist Earldom of Neph Pendeth Heberon D-Manor
Athsic Earldom of Balim Kiban Lartyne D-Manor
Dacosh Barony of Nenda Terodir Reeve Thorp
Derym Barony of Getha Getha Ewesar D-Manor
Desitha Church of Larani Irtivir Reeve Thorp
Edim Barony of Nenda Nenda Othila D-Manor
Elesere Barony of Nenda Nenda Indasha D-Manor
Emyron Barony of Nenda Nenda Losrath D-Manor
Faeserol Earldom of Neph Pendeth Bailiff D-Manor
Giendned Earldom of Neph Pendeth Nargiles D-Manor
Hindertis Royal - Vemionshire Athelren Valter (B/H) D-Manor
Hymdir Barony of Nenda Nenda Reeve Thorp
Hystosh Royal - Vemionshire Hindertis Reeve Thorp
Irtivir Church of Larani Brynd Serolan D-Manor
Liedel Earldom of Balim Kiban Bailiff D-Manor
Marnoma Church of Larani Irtivir Bailiff S-Manor
Mirinas Earldom of Neph Pendeth Sideth D-Manor
Myshtas Church of Larani Irtivir Reblena S-Manor
Nenda Barony of Nenda Tashal Baron Keep Nenda Keep (Fanon)
Nisarm Church of Larani Myshtas Reeve Thorp
Pendeth Earldom of Neph Gardiren Constable Keep Kaldor pg41
Rylicon Earldom of Neph Tinwaen Bailiff S-Manor
Sandai Barony of Nenda Serin Reeve Thorp
Serin Barony of Nenda Nenda Bailiff D-Manor
Taeb Earldom of Neph Tinwaen Bailiff S-Manor
Terodir Barony of Nenda Nenda Tamisin D-Manor
Tinwaen Earldom of Neph Pendeth Aracaras D-Manor
Zeniris Barony of Nenda Terodir Bailiff S-Manor
  • grimruld.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/12/25 13:30
  • by sentinel