The Fort

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Cinar’s fort stands along the river. The northern wall is in total ruins and only a metal grate covers a hole that leads down to a tunnel some 50’ below.

The south wall is hollow, holding a series of rooms used to barrack the limited number of men-at-arms as well as store everything needed for them to survive a long siege. The tower at the southernmost end of the wall holds the quarters for the knights of the order as well as a strong room in which to store the taxes.

The wall stands three stories tall, with the third story having no roof. The northern-most end of the south wall use to connect to a gate house. It was destroyed during the invasion and stone from it was used to repair the wall. The door at the northern-most end has been reinforced with wood and metal.

The tower’s entry is easily barred from within.

Agrikans prefer to practice daily outside the fort, although there is space on the second floor for their activities in the tower, as well as on the roof of the tower and the walls. Knights often race their horses up and down Cinar road, forcing travellers to jump to safety or be trampled.

While the invasion was considered successful, the villagers and the Agrikan solders and knights do not mix social. There is one Agrikan priest who visits the village once every 10 day from the Senun. The last Agrikan priest to stay in Cinar died within 10 days of his arrival. The Agrikans could never figure out what killed him other than a curse laid on the tower by a dying convict locals believe to have been falsely accused of blasphemy against the Agrikan church. To date no priest is willing to take the risk. Some say it is more because of the Cohorts reputation with other Agrikan orders rather than any curse on the tower that the priest stay away.

The Agrikans live and eat within the fort. Their “employees” are all slaves of the Agrikan order. All other inhabitants are either drawn from the local yeomanry or server full time as members of the Cohorts of Gashang.

Cinar: Introduction | Fort | Map Key | Village | MBF | VCF | Details

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