The Village residents
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1 Timberwright (Menathas of Arto)
One of the few craftsmen still in town, Menathas became an Agrikan seven years ago under duress. It was the only way to keep his status. His wife died during childbirth of their youngest daughter, Orain (F:18). Mue, his oldest daughter (F:30) married his oldest journeyman, Agrenulon (M:32), five years ago. Orain recently gave birth to twins (Breulin (F:0), Mans (F:0). Mues children are: Moses (F:7), Agreleet (M:5), Gosin (M:3) and Vennalet (M:2). Their wattle and daub home with a wood shingle roof is in good condition. Menathas pays exorbitant fees for being a timberwright, but he fears to contradict his Agrikan masters. They have 8 chickens and 4 goats.
4 Herder (Frayskin of Tansin
Cinars herds outnumber its human population, and still the Agrikans manage to deplete them yearly. Frayskin uses his own daughters as specialists. Clauris (F:41) herds the cows and oxen. Dornains (F:15) herds the goats and sheep and Doriona (F:10) herds the swine. Clauris has three children that help when they can (Aelus (F:19), Menosant (M:22) and his twin Gincan (F:12)). Their wood house is in good condition, although the wood shingle roof is a new addition. Meonsant is courting Orain, regardless of their parents vocal disagreement on religion. They have 2 cows, 1 oxen, 18 goats and 3 swine.
17 REEVE (Ville of Ejik)
Ville is a pleasant man who is constantly bullied by Omelon into decisions against his better judgement. Villes wife died during the invasion, but their two children survived. Feline (F:17) and Mellence (M:11) have grown quickly into young adults and now look after three orphans (Panniane (M:9), Alphanieda (M:6), and Gonever (F:1)) from Agrikan violence. Feline believes herself to be a revolutionary, although most just consider her to be silly. Mellence has lost a lot of weight recently and everyone worries about his health. Their humble wattle and daub home with a thatched roof is in good condition. Mellence and Panniane try to care for their fathers 39 acres with help from fellow villagers in return for an equal split in the harvest. They have 24 chickens and 1 cow.
71 Woodward (Rangart of Sordirin)
The matron of the family is very defensive of both her status as woodward as well as her children. Her parents and husband died in the invasion. Her brother, pace (M:25) and his wife Canel (F:21) live with her. Aurphe, her youngest brother (M:16) is courting Dornains and is the source of the herders new wooden shingled roof. Caerus (F:7) and Eustena (F:2) are Canels children from another marriage. Their wooden house with a thatched roof is in good condition with brightly painted shutters. They have a team of 8 oxen and 3 horses.
68 Peonian Priest (Duis)
Duis is a kind hearted man hostile only to Agrikans who threaten his garden or his adopted family. A young man, he has taken in all the unwanted children of the village since before the invasion. Many of them become Peonian priests in time, but the few that do not remain to help tend his 30 acres of farmland to the north of the village. Peraidwes (M:23) and Gossene (M:22) are training to become a priest but the invasion has left them vengeful. Senan (M:20) is already an ordained priest although many find him self-righteous. Tied and Vanan are twins (M:18) who came to visit 5 years ago and have not yet left. Together they farm the majority of Duis land. Mogiervane (F:18) tends the other children Duis has managed to collect (Bedain (F:10), Vivare (F:7), Coret (M:3) and Drudus (M:2)) as well as performing household chores and the cooking. She is the closet thing to an alewife the town has and makes a bit of extra money by selling brews. Leodelare is jealous of Mogiervanes skill (ML90) and tasty recipes. Their home/temple is a simple wattle and daub home with a thatch roof. It is well cared for and considered to be the cleanest residence in the village. They have 12 chickens.
69 BEADLE (Omelon of Ewesbar)
Omelon has become the villages spokesmen to the Agrikan officials of the nearby fort. His family of six takes care of the Apple orchard and uses an old family recipe to brew apple brandy. The matron of the family, Leodelare (Brewing ML 70) is a grizzled woman at the age of 33. Her four children (Gaine (F:9), Prianes (M:7), Llar (M:7), Hendern (M:5)) take their duties very seriously. Omelon serves his yeoman duties (light foot) during the winter months in Cinar. He hires willing half-villeins to tend his 13 acres, north of the village. His house is a wattle and daub structure with a thatch roof in poor condition. He has 5 chickens, 3 swine and 2 goats.
70 Yeoman (Jodebert of Roaloth)
Jodebert (M:32) is an outlander who came to Cinar with the invasion. His wife, Baerma (F:15) is from Senun and the age difference between them is the source of much local gossip. Baerma leads and organizes the villages floor pounders. That all the floor pounders are the wives and daughters of the yeomen of the village is lost on no one. Jodebert socializes primarily with the other soldiers from the fort; spending his off-duty time tending the lands of his fellow yeomen as well as his own. He occasionally acts as slave master for the village, but does not enjoy the job. Their wattle and daub home is in good condition with a wood shingle roof. He has no livestock.
71 Yeoman (Rostard of Obel)
Rostard (M:21) is a generous man who, although Agrikan, is well liked. His oldest daughter, Serrunus (F:13) intends to marry a knight. That she doesnt care about the religion of her future husband bothers her father greatly. Idefle (F:11) has no time for boys. Rolain (M:10) has lots of time for girls, but they seem to have no time for him despite his charm and good looks. These children tend to their younger siblings (Vanwain (F:7) and Gese (F:3)). Rostards wife, Gomel, died in childbirth to Gese. Their lands are tended by hired hands, usually cottars from the village. Unfortunately it is Serrunus who manages their pay. While she may be wistful as to her future she is very practical with the day-to-day affairs of her fathers land. Their wood house is in excellent condition with a thatched roof. He has no livestock.
72 Yeoman (Borcel of Krelthar)
Borcel (F:46) is a master archer (ML116) who leaves the management of her 50 acres to her oldest daughter Esclerian (F:27). Esclerians son (Bran M:1) now takes up most of her time. Borcel is not married, but is regularly in the company of a sergeant-at-arms from the fort (Gritrien M:52). Esclerian has hired local labour to tend their 50 acres and purchased a slave (Branna F:10) in Senun to handle the chores around the house. Branna is treated like a daughter by Esclerian, but Borcel treats her like a dog. Their wood house with wood shingle roof is in poor repair and Branna has no idea how to go about starting to repair it. They have 7 chickens, 8 goats and 2 cows.
73 Yeoman (Pangier of Athain)
Pangier (M:22) is an Agrikan from Senun. He and his brother, Gogriane (M:20) live together and hire others to look after their 50 acres of land. They prefer hunting and regularly trade the meat they catch for favors as well as food. It provides them a comfortable life. Both men are seen as stand-off-ish by the men and highly desirable by most all of the women of the village.
Cinar: Introduction | Fort | Map Key | Village | MBF | VCF | Details
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