The Fuming Gate
A Clerical Order of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame
Myths and Legends of the Fuming Gate
The Order of the Fuming Gate, like all Agrikan orders, transmits a substantial portion of its knowledge through stories and myths. Mythological tales describing Agrik's battles against other gods (especially Larani) are central to the education of all members and lay followers.
Many of the heroic tales told by the Fuming Gate belong to a broad cycle of stories shared by other Agrikan orders. Tales of Ilpylen and the first disciples, taken from the Balefire Chronicle, are considered required for all Agnichari. Tales of Moralin and other Holy Wanderers during the first days of the faith are also essential learning.
Heroes of the Fuming Gate
The more important tales, however, are those celebrating the deeds of the order's own champions. These heroic tales are taught to all Terahni and Agnichari, and skill in telling them is a must for any acolyte who wishes to become a priest. The order, however, has many of its own champions whom it is particularly fond of celebrating. Of these, the eight most important are:
- Thomor, the legendary First Wanderer to arrive on Hârn. He is said to have erected 2 of the 888 cairns of the Eternal Flame. The Fuming Gate traces its history all the way back through him.
- Ilpthor, a legendary hero who is said to have dispatched an entire company of the Unwilling Lady single-handedly.
- Vilasu, the Blessed Blind, is a famed warrior from the time of Wandering. His eyes were eaten by a Vlasta and yet slew many after.
- The Masked Hero of Flame, an anonymous hero from the days of Lothrim.
- Valmore, slayer of [Gargun] Queens, Stopper of Swarms. He is said to have eradicated four entire Gargun colonies.
- Hodael of the Bloodied Mace, who found a place for the Wanderers within the Corani Empire and who built the first Temple of the Fuming Gate. He is considered the true founder of the contemporary order.
- Resekan Who Defeated all but the Greatest. This hero from the last days of the Corani Empire, came in second place in the Pakara at the 550 TR Ukhila, almost becoming the champion of the entire Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. No priest or Terahn from Hârn has since come closer to winning the Pakora.
- Cordir the mighty, who led the order during the days of wandering during the Reign of the Dead [the order's name for the Theocracy of Tekhos and Golothan Theocracy] founder of the Order of the Fuming Gate. He built the temple at Tormau in the early 7th century.
Statues of each of these heroes line the entryway to the Golothan temple of the Fuming Gate.
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