The Fuming Gate
A Clerical Order of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame

The Orderial Badge

In addition to the use of symbols common to other Agrikan orders, the Order of the Fuming Gate has one unique symbol, the Gate Aflame, which is depicted on their heraldic badge.

Symbol of the Fuming Gate

The Gate Aflame represents the entry to Balgashang. The members of the Order use this symbol to remind themselves that Balgashang is never that far away, and will always welcome the faithful. Of note is the fact that the gate has five vertical bars and three horizontal ones, making for a total of eight.

The gate is draped by two red chains, one of which has a clasp and the other a hook. This symbolically represents the link between the Order and its Terahni in the Company of the Copper Hook..

Musical Instruments

Though not exactly 'symbols', the Order uses large drums to mark off the marching beat as well as instill terror into the hearts of their enemies. The drums are also used in cremonies and ritual invocations to summon forth the spirit of the deity to a place. The drums are sometimes accompanied by human voices, or screams.


Signs of the divine are seen within two creatures: salamanders and snakes.


Salamanders are seen as living embodiments of fire, and thus by association, are considered relatives of the V'hir. Dreams and quests where in salamanders are plentiful are seen as good omens. Salamanders have been known to act as messengers and guides to the faithful.


Snakes are seen as the reincarnation of the few souls temporarily released from Ak-Syt. A man surrounded by snakes is said to soon have many slaves and much wealth. Dead snakes are seen as an omen of victory, while snakes that will not die are seen as an omen of defeat.

Both creatures are considered blessed, but nothing is done to save or protect these tem. If they are placed harm's way, no member of the Order will move to protect or save them.

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