The Fuming Gate
A Clerical Order of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame
The Order of the Fuming Gate has made many enemies since the Order of the Copper Hook started (and lost) Ezar's War. Weakened by the war, the other Hârnic orders and many in the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame have chosen to leave the order to its own resources, either to survive or to die quietly. Many wonder if this Order is long for this earth, but that is a question only time can answer properly.
This document outlines the order's relations with the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame (the central church), its representatives, other Agrikan orders, and various secular powers and persons as of 720 TR.
The Hierarchy of the Eternal Flame
On Hârn, the main representative of the central church is the Apalankh, Klyrdes of Bisidril, who is also Senesharil of the clerical order of Mamaka, the Master of Steel. Lysara has little direct contact with the Fuming Gate, and knows little of the order other than that it appears to have a remarkable sense of survival. The following list outlines the state of relations between the order and the various officials in the central hierarchy.
The Amanasurif
The Amanasurif and the Fuming Gate have no direct contact.
The High Curcuno
The few members of the High Curcuno who know of the Fuming Gate expect it will survive, but not prosper. They do not particularly care either way. The Fuming Gate does not care about them either.
The Low Curcuno
Most of the Hierarchy's cardinals deem the order to be of no consequence. The three members of the Low Curcuno who are from Hârn (the Apalankh and the bishops of Rethem and Tharda) are somewhat less dismissive.
Hârn's Apalankh
The Order of the Fuming Gate has mild scorn for the Apalankh, Klyrdes of Bisidril. Most Fuming Gate priests feel that, politics while an interesting hobby, should not be the main activity of a cleric of the the Lord of Balgashang. The Apalankh (and his order), appear to be allowing the Order of the Fuming Gate to find their own path to survival, or destruction, without hindrance. The order of the Fuming Gate accepts their non-interference gladly.
The Kemelras of Rethem
There is relatively little contact between the Kemelras of Rethem and the Fuming Gate. The bishop, who belongs to the mystically inclined Order of Herpa the Mace, is a royal appointee and is as much of a politician as a priest. For both reasons, the Fuming Gate tends to hold him in little regard. He is somewhat more concerned with their doings, if only because he wants to ensure the order will remain loyal to the crown should a civil war break out between the king and the Earl of Tormau.
Other Hârnic Orders
Order of the Copper Hook
The Order of the Copper Hook is the fighting order sponsored by the Order of the Fuming Gate. It acts with the full permission, and confidence of the Order of the Fuming gate. The Senesharil of the Fuming Gate, Julah of Gathin, is in frequent contact with the Akarata of the Order of the Copper Hook. Officially, an Akarata is supposed to follow the Senesharil's lead, but the Copper Hook has always acted with great autonomy.
The Orders of the Eight Demons & the Cohorts of Gashang
The all-female clerical order of the Eight Demons and its all-male fighting order, the Cohorts of Gashang, are based mostly in Tharda and along the Thardic border. The main contact between them and the Fuming Gate takes place in Golotha, where the Eight Demons maintains a small temple, adjacent to the Fuming Gate's, but their paths do not cross often in spite of this proximity.
The Order of the Eight Demons is respected by the Order of the Fuming Gate-- perhaps even a bit feared. The sadism of its priestesses is renknowned and, though the order is only six years old, its reputation for the sexual torture of male sacrifices, is already legendary. Still, they are seen as true and devoted servants of Agrik-- and the fact that they and their fighting order are involved in a somewhat thorny border situation and are at odds with the Rethemi crown leads clerics of the two orders to view each other as allies of circumstance. There is little direct contact between the Fuming Gate and the Eight Demons Senesharil (who is based in Shiran), but she is regarded as a skilled intriguer and competent warrior, as well as an exceedingly cruel sadist.
The Cohorts of Gashang are rarely seen by the members of the Fuming Gate, save as escorts to priestesses and guardians of the Golothan temple of the Eight Demons. Many members of the Fuming Gate and Copper Hook have heard rumors of disturbing practices of sexual self-mutilation among the Cohorts of Gashang, and some believe that the Eight Demon's Terahni are more vicious than those in the Company of the Copper Hook, though not more skilled at warfare. Most Rethemi tend to avoid them and members of the Order of the Fuming Gate generally believe this to be a wise choice.
The Orders of Herpa the Mace & the Red Shadows of Herpa
The Fuming Gate has mixed feelings about the Order of Herpa the Mace. While the mysticism of the order of Herpa strikes many Fuming Gate members as a bunch of nonsensical mumbo-jumbo that keeps its clergy from living the true martial life of an Agrikan priest, there is a grudging respect for the order's Senesharil, Andraz of Enald, who is known by reputation as a skilled warrior. Herpa the Mace's involvement in Rethemi politics (the bishop is of this order as is the royal chaplain) is seen as a by-product of the order's mysticism-- a practice engaged in by priests more interested in sitting around and thinking than in actually fighting battles. The Fuming Gate has made it clear that it wants to have no part in the ongoing conflict between Herpa the Mace and the Eight Demons.
Priests of the Fuming Gate have relatively little contact with the Terahni of the Red Shadows of Herpa, but their feelings are similarly mixed. On the one hand, they admire the Order's initiative in having seized Themeson keep from Tharda in 708; on the other hand, they see the fact that they lost it during the orderial schism of 714 a sign of poor discipline. In terms of politics, the Fuming Gate does not share the Red Shadows of Herpa's great enthusiasm for Chafin III, but it does agree with the Red Shadows desire to see the king call for a massive Agrikan-Rethemi crusade against Kanday and the rest of Hârn.
The Orders of the Kukshin & the Crimson Dancer
A half century ago, these two all-female orders were considered close allies of the Order of the Fuming Gate. Both orders supported the Fuming Gate and the Copper Hook in Ezar's War, both politically and on the battlefield.
Trouble began in 694, after the Crimson Dancer Terahn who assassinated Queen Eriel of Kanday was captured and confessed to her deed, implicating the Rethemi crown. Outraged, Kandayan troops seized Selvos and Menekod, keeps held by the Copper Hook, early in 695. Many members of the Fuming Gate and Copper Hook blamed the weak will of the Crimson Dancer assassin for these losses, and relations between the two orders soured. Following Ezar's War, the Kukshin and Crimson Dancer were scapegoated in the minds of many Rethemi. Some blamed them for the loss of the whole war-- blame that the Fuming Gate was all too happy to divert from its own fighting order.
Since the Kukshin's and Crimson Dancer's departure from Rethem for Orbaal in 701, there has been little contact between them and the Fuming Gate. Occasionally, Kukshin priestesses come to the Tormau temple to negotiate with the Earl, and there is some exhange of formalities (and information) between the two orders then, but underlying feelings of mutual scorn and a tendency towards finger-pointing are still quite strong.
The Orders of the Octagonal Pit & Demon Pameshlu the Insatiable
Fuming Gate priests consider the Octagonal Pit to be small-minded popularizers who are more concerned with entertaining the urban masses and making money than combat and war. The games, Fuming Gate priests believe, have their place, but, as one Fuming Gate Viriahn has remarked, "Shedding blood for the Demon Lord is all very fine and well, but an Agrikan's true place is on the battlefield, where lives are traded for real, for gain, and not just for sport and show. Is it not more glorious to shed the blood of Laranians and Kandayan soldiers instead of strange beasts and petty criminals?"
The Fuming Gate has a bit more respect for the Octagonal Pit's fighting order. Since the Terahni of Demon Pameshlu the Insatiable actually perform some of the fighting in the arena, they are seen as being closer to the true martial spirit of Agrik. Still, most Fuming Gate priests doubt that the combat theatrics that impress Pamesani spectators would be of much aid on a real battlefield. Put briefly, the Terahni of Demon Pameshlu are regarded as spirited warriors whose love of combat, though misdirected, is still admirable.
Orders of the Pillar of Fire & the Companions of Roving Doom
Before their virtual annihilation in 717 TR, the Order of the Pillar of Fire was on good terms with the Order of the Fuming Gate. Since the order's near-destruction, few have encountered Pillar of Fire priests in Rethem, but it is rumored that some of these priests have contact with the Earl of Tormau and the temple of the Fuming Gate located there. Some in the Fuming Gate feel that the Pillar of Fire may well profit from the destruction of their temple and that the return to nomadic wandering will bring it strength.
Of all the other Harnic orders of Agrik, the Companions of Roving Doom is probably most respected by the Fuming Gate. Their wandering origins (reflected in their name), their role as 'leg-breakers' for the Rethemi crown, etc., tends to cause priests to respect them, even if they agree that the other order is a bit too loyal to the crown. Some say the Fuming Gate and Copper Hook are just jealous of the favored position enjoyed by the Companions of Roving Doom
The Orders of Mamaka the Master of Steel & the Warriors of Mameka
The Order of Mamaka the Master of Steel, Fuming Gate priests believe, is too concerned with politics and intrigue. The fact that the order's Senesharil is not only the Hârnic Apalankh, but is also chariman of Golotha's Heptarchial Counsel is seen as proof of this. The fact that Mamaka is on good terms with the city's Morgathians is seen as particularly suspiscious.
The Fuming Gate has relatively little contact with the Warriors of Mameka, whose primary base is at Bedenes, in northern Rethem. It believes the warriors to be skilled and competent soldiers, filled with right-minded battlelust, though it thinks they should be more concerned about the Laranians to the south than with the Kuborans to the north. Fuming Gate priests often wonder why such combat-loving soldiers are the Terahni for such a scheming, political order as Mamaka the Master of Steel.
States and Rulers
The Kingdom of Rethem
For the Order's own survival, most believe the Order of the Fuming Gate should remain as much in the background as possible. But that is unlikely, considering the order's connections with both the King and the Earl of Tormau and the Copper Hook's skirmishing with Kandayans.
The King
King Chafin III has few dealings with the Order of the Fuming Gate, but the crown expects their loyalty and tribute. Currently, the Order has no reason to deny either, but that appears to be changing. Like his cousin Chafin II before him, he is seen as weak king who has let his inaction against disloyal nobles of Rethem push the country towards what now seems as an inevitable civil war.
The Earl of Tormau
The Earl of Tormau and Chafin III are confirmed enemies and the Earl's claims that Chafin III plots to take away the order's lands have not fallen on deaf ears amongst the Fuming Gate. The threat of civil war over this is very real and the order knows it will probably have to take sides. The Earl's generous donations to both the Fuming Gate and the Copper Hook are are perceived as politically, rather than religiously, motivated, but neither order seems willing to bite the hand that feeds it-- even if it has its own agenda for doing so.
Border Conflicts
While both Rethem and Kanday crowns see the skirmishes between the Copper Hook and the Checkered Shield as religious, the Fuming Gate sees these as signs of an ongoing war. The order believes that all Agrikan clerical and fighting orders should participate in a joint crusade against hated Kanday, with the aid of the Rethemi crown, but recognizes that such an endeavor is unlikely to occur until differences are settled between the King and Tormau.
The fact Chafin III has responded to Thardic diplomats who wish the return of Themeson keep by insisting that was an action taken by an independent religious order during the reign of a previous king over which he has no authority is taken by the Fuming Gate as a sign of tacit approval for their ongoing raids against Kanday. A few priests, however, see it as a sign of the king's weakness. In truth, Chafin III would like to wash his hands of all the border conflicts-- both in the south and the east, and concentrate on bringing some unity to his conflicted country..
The Thardic Republic
Thardic politics are highly detailed and inbred. No one survives them without well placed allies and friends with whom favors, and tribute, are regularly exchanged. Religious loyalties, while a good foundation for a friendship, promise nothing. Though the Order does not itself operate in Tharda, it has sought several friends in the Thardic senate with the hope of using these friends to assure that, when war breaks out, Tharda will side with Rethem rather than Kanday.
The Senate
The Senate has heard of the Order of the Fuming Gate and received reports of the Order of the Copper Hook and their escapades in Kanday. To date, the Senate has no official position on the neighboring religious war. Rumors say that there is a secret faction made up of members of the various public factions that are debating a Thardic role in the upcoming war. The Order of the Fuming Gate has given small gifts of slaves and delicate foodstuffs to try and sway senatorial positions. To date, these bribes have had no obvious effect.
Popular Opinion
In spite of Thardic religious tolerance, popular regard for the faiths of both Larani and Agrik is rather low. Both churches are seen as fanatical in a way that undermines political stability-- a point which the Copper Hook's continued skirmishing with the Checkered Shield proves all too well. More 'tolerant' Agrikan orders, like the Order of the Octagonal Pit are preferred by Thardans to fanatics like the Fuming Gate and Copper Hook.
The Order lost several temples to Kanday during Ezar's War. It is an experience they bitterly wish to undo. The Order, as apologists for the Copper Hook, has supported the continuing skirmishing along the Kandayan border.
The King
The Fuming Gate has no direct contact with King Andasin IV or any of his vassals. Hatred of Kanday is too great for negotiation to be considered. By contrast, Andasin IV regards the Fuming Gate and the Copper Hook as a minor nuisance that the Laranian Order of the Checkered Shield is admirably keeping in check.
The Checkered Shield
The Laranian Order of the Checkered Shield outnumbers the Copper Hook; but the Checkered Shield is politically limited in their options. Neither Kanday, nor the Checkered Shield are willing to provoke another full-scale war. Instead of following the desires of a few young men who wish to end the conflict now, they are biding their time. The border between Kanday and Rethem is heavily patrolled and watched. The Fuming Gate believes that, given time, they will be victorious in a future battle and regain their lost lands. For now they are content to allow their Terhani to skirmish along the border, constantly testing the will and the strength of the Checkered Shield. The Order is careful to assure that no prisoners are taken by either side, for a kidnapping could be considered an act of war; whereas the skirmishes, generally ignored by both the King of Kanday and the King of Rethem, are not.
The Kubora Tribes
For the most part, the Order of the Fuming Gate would prefer to ignore the northern tribes and concentrate their energies to the south. They are not opposed to the idea of some future crusade against the Kuborans, but they firmly believe Laranian Kanday is the greater-- and more worthy-- enemy.
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