What's New 2001
This page changes regularly. Its rather interesting to watch the changes and the growth of this site. Surprisingly all the links on this page are still valid. I don't know if that's a testiment to the tools I use, or a sign that this web page is in dire need of an overhaul!
July 20th, 2001
- Minor updates (mostly dealing with dead-links)
- Added the mini poll (vote!)
- Moved to my own domain. www.ketherian.org is now open!
July 9th,2001
- It's done! A complete revamp of the website which will (hopefully) make things load faster and without those annoying javascript errors. Keep your fingers crossed and those bug reports coming folks!
- EDITORIALS: There are three
new ones (well - one and two book reviews really, but who's counting?).
- Editorial: YAHP 06/06/2001
Yet Another Harn Project - an update on my activities and my articles in the world of harnfan sites. - Review - Hero Builder's
Guide Book 07/06/2001
A brief review of the Hero Builder Guidebook for Third Edition Dungeons and Dragons. Appeared in Seventh Sphere issue T-65 - Editorials: Book Review of
Armies and Warfare int he Middle Ages : The Experience of War in England
by Michael Prestwich 07/06/2001
A brief book review of my favorite historical book on tactics and warfare in the middle ages. Includes cover flap, table of contents, chapter synopsis, review synopsis, my opinions and a conclusion.
- Editorial: YAHP 06/06/2001
- BEASTIARY: It's an all new section. It includes three articles: Bears, Hares and Foxes - common animals of North-Western Lythia. Includes common lore, medicinal and hunting information.
- CAMPAIGN: I've added a
lot of missing information to this section. The newest dispatches, however
- Legion Dispatch: Ilven 718 :Another PC handout, this one combines the standard legion dispatch information (time, temperature, sky, wind and weather) with event information.
- Legion Dispatch: Navek 718TR : The time, Temperature, Sky Condition, Weather and Wind strength as well as timing for the events in Savor. I will include the PC notes only after the PCs have finished playing out the month.
- The Cohort [PDF 132KB] Draft one describing the history, tactics and background information for the cohort. The subarticles (Manus, Manus Primus) are still in the works. Added 07/06/2001
- Issue T-65 [PDF 1.08MB] Scribes Gripes (A Review of the Hero Builder's Guide Book for D&D3ED), YAHP (Yet Another Hârn Project), Ernoll (Place, Themesonshire, Rethem), Treasures of Pax Tharda, Beasts of Pax Tharda Added 07/06/2001
- The Tenaci [PDF 272KB] The player's document. Based heavily upon "An Alternative army" by Jonathan M. Davidson, the "Life of a Tenaci" describes the roles of the Linari, and Fabrica in the Tenaci in some detail. This article is incomplete, but presented here for player's use. The Primus article is not yet written, and the Fabrica article is incomplete
- PEOPLE:NPCS: There are 25 new NPCs listed. The majority of which featured (some very briefly) in my campaign.
- PEOPLE:PCS:JOHNSON - a new player comes to our midst.
- PLACES:RETHEM:THEMESONSHIRE:ERNOLL - the introduction and an Inn.
- PLACES:THARDA:Subfeudation of The Thardic Republic
The following tables were comprised by Nic Germain from available Thardic data. The Legar (Manor Lord or Magistrate) and Triberties (Marshal) are titles used in my version of Tharda only. The names provided for Triberties Primus (those listed in a row with a Place name in Capitals) and the Statistics come from Jonathan Davidson's Alternate Army article.
Everything else was tailored for my campaign.
Includes the following articles:
- Scribes Gripes (A Review the Hero Builder's GuideBook) [HTML 14KB]
- The Town of Ernoll (introduction) [HTML 20KB ]
- Treasures of Pax Tharda Part II: The Green Ring of Fyvria (Grass-Killer), Halean Luck Charm, Monkachi's Medallion of Might, The Red Ring of Animal Friendship
- All Things Harnic - more glossary (now in the THARDEX)
- Harnic Beastiary - Bears, Foxes and Hares (oh my!) and a description of how to read them!
- THARDEX: Everything here looks new, but really it's just a reorganization that was a long time coming.
January 10th, 2000
- Once more I've begun reogranizing and changing the look of the place. I'm back to having a textured background and tables. Layers are, unfortunately, not compatible or reliable with Netscape 4.X
- Antonius's Character
now has more background information.
- Superdeformed! [GIF 625 x 661 159KB]
- His Father's Shop (Hideworker #48 in Coranan)
- The Tannery across the River (#48b)
- The Peonian Temple (#33)
- Journal Chapter 4 ... (from Antonius Himself!)
November 29th, 2000
- The Player Handouts for my campaign for Halane718 and Savor718 are now up. As are my GM notes for Savor's first 7 events.
- Rusna (v1) is now up in HTML and PDF. A new map of the area (by Patrick Nilsson) is forthcoming as is a full edit of the document.
- The Lemon Tree adventure (set in Rusna) is now up in HTML. It is part of the Rusna PDF.
- Unfortunately, in the last great hard-drive crash I seem to have lost a map for delve deep (an adventure also called Where Dragons Dare). So the link to map#2 is broken. I'll fix it as soon as I can.
- Seventh Sphere T-68 is
now up [ in HTML
- Scribes Gripes (Review of the Dungeon and Dragon Magazines) [HTML 10KB]
- Bonding House & Granneries (a Coranan article) [HTML 50KB]
- Rusna (the manor, the village and an aventure) [HTML 12KB]
October 9th, 2000
- Thanks to Micheal Jung, several editing errors were cleared up.
- The first of a new set of articles on the legion is now up in HTML and PDF
- Fobin's PDF is forthcoming. There's still a fair bit of tidying up I have to do on it.
- Sitarny's PDF ... argh! I can't seem to detail the township. Maybe if I can get Patrick Nilsson to make me a nice map of the place...
- Rusna is forthcoming. For now there's a nice little poetic map that shows approximately where the village lies in relation to Fobin and Sitarny.
- Ritzen is now up in two pieces , one is the text (in PDF) and the other are the JPG's of the maps zipped.
- HM2 Optional Rules List (in PDF only): This is a PDF of a list of all the optional rules available for GM's to check off. Designed so that players can recieve a list (and not have to mark up their own copy of HMC).
September 14, 2000
- Had a hard drive crash, so it took a while to get everything back together...
- Issue T70 and T69 are up in PDF
- How to survive on 1 d per day in Coranan - a new article available for download, or browsing
- Scribes Gripes T-69
- Updated Site Map!
- New Manor Excel Spreadsheet (based on the Manors of Harn)
- The viso stensils I use to create interior maps are now available for download. The Stensils were created with Visio 5
July 14th, 2000
- Added birthdates to the Asarn characters Orvi, Orvin and Tegra and changed the name Kronos to Kronas is the Asarn clan article.
- In the golden daggers article I clarified that the companies: Spring and Winter currently have no leader while blue is led by Erkenbarad. As well as correcting a few grammatical mistakes. Updated the three Golden Dagger Commanders and placed them in the Characters section: Erkenbarad, Grevius and Tuorphir.
- Added the Pilot's Almanac page.
June 30th, 2000
- Changed the appearance of the web page to a new look and feel.
- Added a few Editorials.
- Copied older looks into the Old directory.
- Published the Azerya information.
- Cleaned up the downloads (more PDFs are now available).
- Added issue T-70 to the Seventh Sphere index.
- Added a new file to Bizzare - another Wurt Bolf list of Roman/Thardian recipies.
- Added four characters to the character section.
- Added a new version of the manor generation for use with HârnManor. Download 56K ZIP of an Excel 2000 file.
- Added Fobin PDF to the downloads section. Download 2.82M ZIP of a full-color PDF.
May 10th, 2000
- Updated the character's PDFs: Antonius [PDF 17KB], Caius [PDF 14KB], Corneilius [PDF 116KB] and Fennelisa [21KB]
- Added Fennelisa's Character Worksheet [HTML 20KB] (and thus updated all crossreferences to Fennelisa).
- Added an article on the Client Patron Relationship [HTML 24KB] and updated the Society Index main page.
- Added Issue T71 of the Seventh Sphere and updated the Seventh Sphere main page. This includes the above article as well as Scribe's Gripes [HTML 6KB] and All Things Harnic [HTML 30KB] as well as a copy of the Seventh Sphere, issue T-71, in zipped PDF format for downloading [ZIP PDF 198KB] (Download page also updated).
- Updated Clan Asarn [HTML 20KB] to include links to it's NPCs and a Table of Contents.
- Added a link to this page in the main table of contents (frames version
of the page) and now all new files will be marked with the new graphic
on their index page. Hopefully this will make "new" things easier to find.
March 22nd, 2000
- Corrected all the Spell Index files to include two facts: (a) that the principals lists were written by Thorvald Neumann (who contacted me to correct the error of omission). I applogize for not adding his name to the copyright information sooner. (b) to include the special thanks (found in the Neutral index) to all the index files that use the Internet Spell File's spells.
- Added Clan Asarn to the Great Clans of Tharda. 4 down, 64 to go.
- Sitarny Introduction and Outpost Information now done. I need a map of Sitarny Village. Any volunteers?
- Golden Daggers a mercenary troup, working out of Coranan, they have strong ties with the Clan Asarn.
- TharDex page 1 is now up. This information desperately needs a rewrite.
- New Site Map is done
- Removed the Catalog information (I need the space for other things).
- Added Campaign information (updated Antonius's Journal part one and and Antonius's Journal part II, and 20 days of peace)
- Added Seventh Sphere issue CB VI. Includes the above mentioned articles.
- Added the map to Rusna. More information is forthcomming.
November 12, 1999 - posted the changes listed for September 30th
- Removed the Site Map (too many broken links)
- Continued the fight against broken links. Think I have them all licked (yeah right.) Let me know if you see any 'K?
September 30, 1999... More like October 25th
- Updated the Peleahn spells [index.html 12kb], the Odivshe
spells [index.html 15kb]the Savorian
spells [index.htm 18kb] to include all
the spells I could find from both CGI and the Hârn fans on the hârnlist.
They are also available as downloads in PDF, ZIP and Word97 formats: Peleahn
Word97 ZIP*!*, Peleahn PDF [621KB], Peleahn PDF Zip [163KB], Savorian Word97 ZIP*!*Savorian
PDF [967KB], Savorian PDF ZIP [224KB]. Odivshe Word97 ZIP*!*[199KB],
Odivshe PDF[596KB], Odivshe PDF ZIP[221KB]
*!* - note these zip files also contain the two graphics displayed (one in the header, one in the footer) of the document. - Added Seventh Sphere version T-72 to the web site.
- Added the Weijik article to Society. Included five new characters (the five most important people of the Weijik clan: Clalius Weijik, Rutera Weijik, Shenlaw Weijik, Toribir Weijik, Totwin Weijik)
- Corrected the Nordaka links to the various people. They now work.
- Fobin 2.0 is now up *and* surfable. Removed a lot of redundant links and cleaned up the organization of the articles. Still working on the vast number of characters important to role playing this location...but I'm getting there. Remapped the Fobin color map so the link works. Characters are still pending and Advenutres to complete.
- Sitarny is now detailed. Seeking someone willing to draw the village map.
August 30, 1999
- Reorganizing the whole thing again. Grr - I'm still having troubles. Fortunecity's annoying banner at the top of every page is really limiting what I can do with this web site. Still - it has forced me to become more creative. After much playing with graphic menus and such, I've decided against them. While they look great - there's just no way they can load (or be as viewable) as text. The same too goes with using tables to format the text on this web page. You want a good looking printout of the article in question, download the PDF and print it out. You want to read it online - read the HTML. 'Nuf said.
- Updated the castes article. It is now available as [HTML 109kb] and [PDF 77kb]
- Began seriously working on the Thardex. ... and just when I got the sitemap finished too.
- Rewrote the Jeredosta article. Now it looks more like the Nordaka article with more information [HTML 20KB]
- Fobin 2.0 is now up [HTML 2KB] - There have been many changes in the write up. The primary ones have been to grammar and presentation. Still working on a few parts.
- Added the Alternate Army (by Jonathan M. Davidson) as a PDF [PDF 682KB][PDF Zip 408KB]
June 19th, 1999
- Clan Nordaka[HTML 16kb] and its five most prominent members ( Senator Cobar Nordaka, Senator Amarak Nordaka, Senator Sena Nordaka, Triberties Markus of Nordaka and District Legar Meaintin of Nordaka) are added and cross linked to the Society and Characters pages.
- Added Seventh Sphere T73 articles. [PDF 501KB][PDF ZIP 384KB]
- How Many Herbs do I know (a new rules article) [HTML 16kb]
- House Rules for Character Creation [HTML 26kb]
- Updated the Site Map [HTML 25kb]
- The Apple Inn [HTML 28kb] the second most scummy inn in all of Coranan. And certainly the most dangerous as it is not just a den of thieves.
- Added the Coranan section to Places (very incomplete... but it's a start.) [HTML 3kb]
- Added Page 4 to the Catalog section. It contains all the articles under Legion.
- Added the HârnPage catalog page [HTML 117kb and growing]. It contains a list of all the files on the HârnPage. [incomplete]
- Divided Tenacus into several articles and linked them all together. It is now readable as an HTML document [Tenacus HTML 27kb, Milities Linari HTML 28kb, Milities Fabrica HTML 12kb, Milities Primus HTML 12kb, Tenacus on the Move HTML 13kb, A day of Peace HTML 9kb, A Day of War 16kb]
April 30th, 1999
- Honey in Hârn [HTML 17kb]A compilation article based on web research and the HarnList's information about honey production in Harn. Draft version. This article is accompanied by a reference document Honey Notes [HTML 42kb].
- Added the following spells to Odivshe: Level 1: *Daenins Specter, *Frost Faries. Level 2: *Daenins Chill Touch, Frost Ward. Level 3: *Cloak of Mandos, *Passage of Ulmo, Level 4: *Dance of Himgalith, *Frost Brand, Level 5: *Daenin's Cant, *Daenin's Quiescence, Level 6: *Daenin's Eternal Fount, Level 8: *Daenin's Icy Doom, Multi-Level: *Odivshe Multi Level Suppress. Updated the Word (97 & 95) files and the PDF in the downloads section.
- Removed black background from Agrikan orders (and changed to white background, black text).
- Added Warriors of Mameka, an Agrikan order of Terhani in HTML [4kb] and PDF[256kb].
- Corrected the Fobin map. A PC and a GM variant are now both available.
- Finished Religion in Tharda [HTML 21kb]
- Added pages of catalog information (relating to the pages under Religion). [HTM 38kb]
- Added the Blue Ribbon (free speach in Canada) link to my site. This graphic is only visible on the main page and at the bottom of the TOC frame.
- Added the Rules Section! [HTML 2kb] Now featuring Andreas H. Nicoletti's Martial Arts rules. [HTML 23kb], his Strength (A linear approach) rules [HTML 22kb]
April 06, 1999
- Added the BIZZARE section. It includes information on herbs, and foods.
- Site map [HTML 20kb]
- Part 1 of Antonius's journal in the Characters Section. [HTML 42kb]
- Places - Fobin [HTML 2kb] completed at long last.
- Society - New Information on the Lia-Kavair by Michael Kavanagh [Chapter 1: HTML 16kb]
- Shrunk the Wheel of the Shek P'var and updated the Magic pages.
- Odiveshe spells now present:
Odiveshe Index [HTML 15kb], Odivshe Chapters 1 [HTML 22kb], 2 [HTML 12kb], 3 [HTML 13kb], r 4 [HTML 18kb], 5 [HTML 14kb], 6 [HTML 9kb], 7-ML [HTML 9kb], Spell File [PDZ ZIP 744kb | W97 DOC ZIP 57kb] - Lyhavi spells now present/updated:
Lyhavi Index [HTML 17kb], Lyhavi Chapters 1[HTML 13kb], 2[HTML 17kb], 3[HTML 17kb], 4[HTML 13kb], 5[HTML 13kb], Spell File [PDF ZIP 175kb]
- Odiveshe spells now present:
March 31, 1999
- Got rid of the bottom frame and graphics. Replaced my logo and reworked the various page navigational links again.
- Pages added:
- Site map [HTML 20kb]
- Part 1 of Antonius's journal in the Characters Section. [HTML 42kb]
- Places - Coranan [HTML 2kb] added.
- Places - Fobin [HTML 2kb] completed at long last?
- Society - New Information on the Lia-Kavair by Michael Kavanagh [Chapter 1: HTML 16kb]
- Shrunk the Wheel of the Shek P'var and updated the Magic pages.
- Odiveshe spells now present:
Odiveshe Index [HTML 15kb], Odivshe Chapters 1 [HTML 22kb], 2 [HTML 12kb], 3 [HTML 13kb], r 4 [HTML 18kb], 5 [HTML 14kb], 6 [HTML 9kb], 7-ML [HTML 9kb], Spell File [PDZ ZIP 744kb | W97 DOC ZIP 57kb] - Lyhavi spells now present/updated:
Lyhavi Index [HTML 17kb], Lyhavi Chapters 1[HTML 13kb], 2[HTML 17kb], 3[HTML 17kb], 4[HTML 13kb], 5[HTML 13kb], Spell File [PDF ZIP 175kb]
- Odiveshe spells now present:
February 22, 1999
- Got rid of the bottom frame and graphics. Replaced my logo and reworked the various page navigational links.
- Added a rules section [HTML xkb] -- on which are my house rules for character creation [HTML xkb]
- Finished the site map.[HTML 20kb]
- Added part 1 of Antonius's journal. [HTML 42kb]
- Updated the Magic pages. Odiveshe spells now present. Lyhavi spells now present/updated
January 28, 1999
- Added Chapters for the Everchanging Book of Names. An incredible utility that randomly generates names from a chapter file. To get your own copy of the utility - go to http://ebon.uni.cc/
- clans.zip [EBON ZIP 16KB] The Harn Names Database Project collection ported into EBON. Feedback is welcome at: heckmanc @ iname.com Copyright Charlie Heckman 1/28/99. Posted with his permission. Includes: Chybisa, Ivinia, Jarannese, Kaldor, Kanday, Melderyn, Orbaal, Retham, Tharda and Yashain
- given.zip [EBON ZIP 15KB] The Harn Names Database Project collection ported into EBON. Feedback is welcome at: heckmanc@iname.com Copyright Charlie Heckman 1/28/99. Posted with his permission. Includes: Gargun, HarnMen, Harn Women, Ivinian Men, Ivinian Women, Jaraneese Men, Jaraneese Women, Yashain
December 12, 1998
- You'd think by now I'd get tired of reworking the pages. But I did it again. Schylla & Charibdis is now framed!
- Reorganized everything so that each main link goes to a table of articles, and each minor link goes to a separate page.
- Finished Ritzen articles (they are now nicely crosslinked.) [HTML 2kb]
- Fobin was added (in all its mapped glory.) [HTML 21kb]
- Added Great Clans of Tharda to the Society Page (details the senate. This is part 1 of many more to come.) [HTML 16kb | PDF 84kb]
- Added Curalak and Imported Herbs to the Legion Page [HTML 6kb]
- Added "The Tenacius" the long awaited rewrite of "Life of a Linari." [HTML 102kb | PDF 388b]
- Added dispatches #6 [HTML 12kb], #7 [HTML 8kb], #8-10 are forthcoming.
- Added a PDF of my APAcalypse submission [PDF 641kb] which includes "Great Clans of Tharda part I", "Imported Herbs part 1" and "The Tenacius" & MCs, & editorials (however brief.)
- Updated the Links and the To-Do page.
- Finished Savorian Spells [HTML 10kb]
October 05, 1998
- Added the adventure "A Raven in Ritzen" [HTML 12kb] characters to follow.
September 25, 1998
- Could not update the webpage because the server was down. Did other work instead.
- Added the Ritzen maps [PC: JPEG 518kb | 1410 x 2100 pixels] [GM: JPEG 683kb | 1410 x 2100 pixels]
- Connected Ritzen maps to Ritzen articles.
September 16, 1998
- Added Odiveshe [HTML 11kb] and Peleahn [HTML 9kb] spells to the magic web.
- Added several "how did you get here" pages to the directories that didn't have an index.htm.
- Changed "Cast" to "Caste" in the Surviving Tharda: 5 Castes article.
BTW - if you want to critique my articles for spelling, grammar, ect - the least you can do, dear reader, is mention which articles you are critiquing in your e-mails.
August 28, 1998
- Added "Join the Legion - PC INFORMATION" [HTML 25kb] which includes general knowledge about the rest of Hârn, and rumors the PCs may have heard.
- Added Jmorvi [HTML 19kb] and Netural [HTML 40kb] Spells to the magic web
- Fixed all the spell files on the spell web. They are now all inter-linked.
- Fixed the menu bar on files under Society.
- Had to remove the files: Massive.zip, lyahvi.pdf and fyvria.pdf from the web site as they were too big for my server to handle.
- New Neutral.zip [neutral.zip 161kb] file with more spells than before.
August 12, 1998
- The downloads page is now available.
- Added Ritzen to the Society|Places [HTML 36kb | HTML 39kb | HTML 18kb] and Downloads PDF ZIP 81kb]
- Fixed the menu bar on Haven Inn and Society.
- Gave up and put up the Religion's page with just two articles. Hope this inspires me to do more.
August 6, 1998
- After a lot of procrastination, I finally developed a graphic menu bar, and reorganized the pages. The Religion's index page is fortcomming when I have more than just two objects to put on it.
- Added Lyahvi spells [html 12kb] to the magic web.
- Added PDFs of all the spells for all the convocations [massive.zip ZIP 2,789KB]
- Added individual PDFs for each of the convocations [Fyvria.ZIP 819kb | Lyahvi.ZIP 865kb | Jmorvi.zip 93KB | Neutral.zip 137 kb | Odiveshe.zip 687 kb | Peleahn.zip 97 kb | Savoria.zip 106 kb]
- Note: My original intention was to provide unzipped PDFs and word files. Well the PDFs are just too darn big uncompressed. If you want the MS-Word files or a PDF of anything on this web site - e-mail me and, if I can, I'll send them to you.
- Added Caius's Pregame "Howling at the Darkness" [html 14kb]
- Began detailing Ritzen
- Physicians in the Legion went up [html 15kb]
- Took down Life of a Linari -- rewrite in progress. When it goes back up it will be "Life of a Tenacus."
- I will soon be removing all the info off http:\\www.cam.org\~thekeep\TR so if your links go there - you'll soon be out of luck!
July 24, 1998
- Added two changes to the pages thanks to gunnar@earthlink.com
1) Schylla and Charibdis is from the Illiad, not the Odysee. Well at least I got the author right.
2) Added/Changed to Surviving Tharda (The Caste System) -- there are now several types of slaves available (including the schollar, lawyer, ect...)
July 13, 1998
- Reformated the pages so that all the information is divided between Schylla
(GM) and Charibdis (PC) pages. Main page no longer uses frames - frames
now totally optional.
- Added Dispatches #2: Getting there [HTML 4K] and Dispatch #3: Hunting Bandits [HTML 15K].
June 19, 1998
- June 25, 1998 - server was down Monday and Tuesday; had to wait before updating the page.
- Added Order of the Scarlet Veil [HTML (9K)| PDF (133K)]
- An all-female Agrikan prophetic order near Fobin, Geium. This heritical
order has been around for quite some time, but has regularly refused to
move to Coranan. Instead they live out their lives in a quiet compound just
north of Fobin. This order is not part of the *Official* Hârnstuff.
Article Series: Adherents [HTML 10KB] | Community [HTML 26K] | Cult [HTML 16K] | Future[HTML 14K] | History [HTML 9K] | Ideals and Morals [HTML 22K] | Invocations[HTML 11K] | Legends [HTML 16K] | Politics [HTML 34K] | References [HTML 3K] | Rituals [HTML 20K] | Schism [HTML 10K] - Added Order of the Fuming Gate [HTML 3K]
- The Fuming Gate is a priestly order of Agrik. It sponsors the fighting
order the Order of the Copper Hook..
This write-up is based upon the Order , as presented by Columbia Games in their works detailing HârnWorld. For more information on Columbia Games, and the references used to create this document, please refer to the References document.
Article Series: Adherents [HTML 4K] | Beliefs [HTML 11K] | Ceremonies [HTML 19K] | History [HTML 28K] | Legends and Heroes [HTML 5K] | Politics [HTML 19K] | Organization [HTML 6K] | Holy Relics Held [HTML 4K] | Ritual Invocations [HTML 9K] | Rules and Ethics [HTML 3K] | Songs and Prayers [HTML 3K] | Symbols [HTML 4K] | Temples [HTML 9K] | References [HTML 3K] - Removed all Character Sheets from the site. - I don't like the way they look (nor their size.)
June 1, 1998
- Added "Copyright ©. 1998" to all pages (RA Downey, or someone else & posted with their permission)
May 27, 1998
- HTML Cleaned up, links for non-frame users added.
- Modified TOC to include *MORE* links
- Campaign Dispatch for game 1 begun
- What was "Senators" was renamed to "Registry of the Senate"
- The Haven Inn begun
- HMI Character Generator Added
- Article Index begun
- Moved the page to http://www.ketherian.org/paxtharda/
- Changed the e-mail address
May 26, 1998
- Changed legion.gif to legion2.gif thanks to Eric Anderson
- Cornilius Character finished.
- New Section: Campaign Chronicles & Dispatches begun.
- NPC section added.
- My HârnLinks page added.
April 30, 1998
- Switched to a Frames-based page.
- Added Manor's excel 95 file to the downloads.
- Fennelisa Character finished.
- Cornilius Character begun.
- Draft #3 of Triberties Primus Jonathan M Davidson's Legion corrected.
April 20, 1998
- Draft #3 of Triberties Primus Jonathan M Davidson's Legion went up.
April 15th, 1998
- To Do List added.
- Antonius Character finished.
- Fennelisa Character begun.
- The Caste System added.
April 10th, 1998
- Caius Character finished.
- Antonius Character begun.
- Graphics added.
- Senator's list added c. Senator J.W. Holland-Hibbert
April 1, 1998
- Caius Character begun.
- Life of a Linari article published.
- This page went up at http:\\www.cam.org\~thekeep\TR
This page was last updated on
May 22, 2003
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.